Some may wonder why I want the situation that I've presented here. I guess the simplest answer to this is that it is just what I want. Some people want to climb Mt. Everest, some want to drive race cars, some want to knit. I don't want to do any of these things. But what I do want is what I've set forth on this web-site.

I realize I might not get a single response. On the other hand, I might get a million. I would simply hope that I get sufficient response to find the compatibility referred to earlier.

A Further Discussion

One might ask: Why don't I just do things in a 'normal' way? I'll try to clarify this.

I don't wholly fit into society's niches. This is due to my seemingly having what might be referred to as a wider perspective than is the norm. And the attempt to, or the requirement to, fit into society's niches brings on a response similar to claustrophobia or other such. Let me emphasize that I am not a bad citizen. Nor am I rebellious or anti-social. In fact, I fully recognize the value of the status quo, and realize that the status quo works for most people. So, I support the status quo, for the most part, though the requirement to abide by it, or the prospect of being required to abide by it, on an intimate personal basis brings on anxieties and phobias and causes these to increase greatly. Consequently, in this regard, I steer clear.

The way in which I would want to establish a family would be in the manner that I have outlined on this web-site, or in some similar manner. Otherwise, my phobias would come into play. It is because of the circumstances that I feel I need in order to do all this that I am presenting this proposal. For a long time, I have shied away from male/female involvement, though desiring such involvement, due to my non-alignment with the commonly accepted and expected practises in this arena.

I would feel much better knowing that females knew the circumstances in which I can function in the matters in question prior to involvement. This way, if a person does not feel that such circumstances are compatible with her, she can fore-go involvement. Or, if these circumstances are compatible with her, she can opt for involvement. Things that need to be known beforehand would be so known. This web-site serves this purpose.

That my anxieties and phobias prevent me from conforming in some fundamental ways doesn't mean that I won't make compromises. I will of course make those everyday compromises that everyone makes that make life go more harmoniously. But, I'm incapable of completely fitting in.

This is not to say that I never tried to fit in. For very many years, before I really understood the situation, I put great effort into trying to fit in. At the same time, I unconsciously tried to be true to my nature. In short, it didn't work. As the years went by, I became more and more reclusive; and some of my happiest times have been, and are, when I'm alone, involved in my own interests. To a large degree, I would simply like to be a recluse and pursue my interests. But something keeps drawing me back. Part of this is a very strong sex drive. Part of it is the standard desire for social contact. But there is another factor, too. This other factor is a sort of feeling of obligation. But one that is not socially imposed. Rather, it's more of an instinctive feeling. It's a feeling that I ought to keep what I am going.

There is another important feeling of obligation separate from that noted above. This obligation is indicated in the next web-page under the segment, 'The Future'.

My inability and unwillingness to conform to the demands of the popular culture in various areas, and particularly such demands in those areas that are quite central to human fulfillment (and so are the areas in which expectations, strictures, conflict, mores, hysteria, confusion, stridency, and rules most proliferate), has precluded me from such fulfillment. This causes me anger, depression, and self-pity from time to time. In fact, at times I feel that the last day of my life will be the best day of my life - a sentiment that does not arise from my hating myself, but just the opposite. In more normal moments, which is most of the time, I am fully cognizant of how lucky I am to be alive and to have the characteristics that I have, and of living at this time in history, and to be in the immediate external circumstances in which I dwell. Even with the drawbacks of my situation, I know that I am one of the most fortunate individuals who has ever lived. I am profoundly appreciative of what I have. This appreciation forms the basis of the feeling, mentioned above, that I should keep what I am going.

Sometimes, I feel like a small, frightened mammal in the Mesozoic Era. But that mammal somehow managed to continue his line. Within the context of my nature, I'll try to do the same.

Perhaps this discussion has helped to answer the question about why I'm seeking the situation presented on this web-site.