
A downside of this idea that I would like to address is that it could necessitate my not choosing - essentially rejecting - numerous individuals. I can assure you that this is a prospect that I do not relish.

Of course, as previously noted, I may not get a single response. The upside of this would be that at least I wouldn't have to reject anyone.

Or, I might get numerous responses, even thousands, but I may not believe that there were sufficient compatibility among the respondents to proceed with the plan at all.

Ideally, I would get 5 responses. Each one of these 5 would meet all
criteria. I would choose all 5. We would live happily ever after. Of course, the odds of this happening are vanishingly small.

But let's assume that I get 200 responses, and out of these, I choose 5. This would mean that I would not choose - that I would 'reject' - 195. 195 individuals who liked me and my idea and who reached out to me, only to be rejected by me. This is a definite downside of this process.

Reply, Privacy, and Expectations

But should you be sincerely interested in taking part in the situation I've set forth, please apply. You can do so in privacy. No one else need know. I would know some things about you, but not that much. Filling out the response form and taking the tests should be easy and could be enjoyable.

Of course, if you were among those being most seriously considered, I would request more information. And perhaps, later, we would meet personally.

Another thing that should be said is that no pressure will be placed on you in this process. Should you respond and then decide you really weren't interested, that would be fine. Or even if you were one of the ones finally chosen and then had second thoughts, not wanting to do this after all, I would understand.

At any rate, if this is a situation in which you believe you'd like to participate, I encourage you to respond.


Something I would ask is that you be sincerely interested in and believe that you have a true affinity for the situation suggested before you respond. In seeking this way of life, I am not trying to fly in the face of social convention, to 'make a statement', or to forward some pie-in-the-sky doctrine. I am attempting to establish a serious, long-range set of circumstances, rewarding for those compatible with this set of circumstances. Even those who may not always live with me/us and who might later enter into a relationship with another - for instance, a regular marriage - would need a real affinity for this lifestyle. Certain motives such as social rebellion, flouting convention, 'showing' someone, desire to 'make a splash', etc. are quite the wrong motives for participation in the process proposed. A sense of actual compatibility with the suggested situation is desired.